How Private Are Leased Lines?
Leased lines are some of the most popular choices for businesses when it comes to finding a reliable and effective connection. There are a number of different leased lines to choose from that can benefit your company in different ways, and one of these variants is private leased lines. However, many people have questioned whether private leased lines are really as private as they make out. There are a number of different comparisons and metaphors that can be used to describe a private leased line – such as a private jet (dedicated to be solely used by a particular person or business), or a bank safe (the contents cannot be seen or broken). Dedicated and private leased lines are unique options for businesses to consider, particularly if their operations involve dealing with sensitive data.
Dedicated Private Leased Lines
The idea behind leased lines is that they are private data connections that are used exclusively by your company; meaning, you don’t have to battle with other companies or users in order to have use of the best bandwidth. Quite simply, as an example, as soon as you purchase a 100Mb leased line, you will be able to use your bandwidth to its full potential. This also means that you don’t have to worry about devices outside of those that you have approved accessing your network, which should show you just how private your connection is with a leased line.
Sensitive Data
A lot of corporate data isn’t actually as sensitive as many people believe. Even though a private leased line isn’t as encrypted as a VPN, leased lines are ultimately secure, so any confidential information that you send or receive will stay confidential. However, you may want to decide between a VPN and a leased line, depending on how encrypted you want your data to be. There are a number of options that you can consider when it comes to keeping your information secure, but a private leased line is generally secure enough in most circumstances for businesses.
VPN Solutions
A private leased line can provide businesses with a range of options, but in order to have a gateway or firewall that will run with private leased, you should opt for a VPN solution. While this can be targeted, a VPN provides a new level of security for your private leased line by encrypting your data while it is in transit. However, hackers can still find it difficult to tap into private leased lines that don’t benefit from VPN solutions and may have to go deeper with phishing techniques, which can lead them deeper into the network. Nevertheless, a VPN does allow a way to plug any holes in your security.
Unsure Whether A Private Leased Line Is Right For Your Business?
No matter what you’re looking for when it comes to your business, then make sure to get in touch with our expert team today. We can provide you with all of the information that you require regarding private leased lines and VPN solutions, and will discuss the benefits and security options with each in order to suit your business’s needs.
You can always reach out to our expert team by calling us or filling out the contact form and get the best leased line quote in the UK.